Sunday, September 23, 2007

禁播的美女超性感全裸廣告 - 童怡禎

Duration: 00:40 minutes
Upload Time: 06-11-05 13:30:40
User: hkchess2000
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美女洗澡時突然沒水, 全裸的走到停車場用防火器洗澡. 裸浴廣告童怡禎


246858 ::: Favorites
好 A 的廣告!
07-09-22 04:24:34
rowena930325 ::: Favorites
07-09-08 00:59:21
mintoill ::: Favorites
i dun see how great the plot of this ad is
07-07-28 04:34:32
Holvon ::: Favorites
07-07-28 04:17:19
LonestarCo ::: Favorites
oh...this girl....I've seen her. You can see the magazine about this clip, and she was pressured by public becuz of the bathing naked, lol
07-07-06 21:36:22
Adomiso ::: Favorites
wow thats true man~~its really almost show up
07-06-27 23:21:21
amurodomon ::: Favorites
nothing wrong
07-06-21 08:45:51
neville ::: Favorites
yah who is this gal?
07-06-18 03:31:13
sida0312 ::: Favorites
But I have never seen this ad in taiwan before
07-06-07 13:07:56
Enmity94 ::: Favorites
Ain't beauty anymore? are you gay?
07-06-06 04:16:50

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