Thursday, October 4, 2007

"CONNY, 13" a movie against child abuse [english]

Duration: 06:10 minutes
Upload Time: 06-08-25 11:42:05
User: patthefirst
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here's my movie "conny, 13" in english. that movie tells the story of a 13-year old girl that was raped by one of her relatives. in the end she committes suicide. that girl existed and the story is true. so, any comments which don't fit with that topic will be deleted. anyway, hopefully that movie opens your eyes and let you say NO to child abuse! please rate and comment it, thanks. music used: mark isham - a promise lamb - gabriel martina mcbride - concrete angel


redweasley1 ::: Favorites
Sooooooo sad
07-10-02 19:43:36
CutieCierra ::: Favorites
i'm so sorry to hear that
07-10-01 19:24:33
certainly19 ::: Favorites
echt traurig.... gutes video!!!
07-09-29 03:01:41
LonerPoltergeist ::: Favorites
That's really sad!! But no offense or anything but you could have left out the whole corny blowjob thing, it would have been better without that.
07-09-28 18:25:28
ALLiHEARiSMUSiC ::: Favorites
what happened (if u dont mind me asking)?
07-09-27 21:57:00
rarutox ::: Favorites
im so sorry for eney one this happens 2 and my the girl R.I.P my frend killed herself a few months ago but this movie is so powerfull and yet so sad all it taks is just one time and your gone its sad it relly is i never relly know that this is happning untill u know some one its hapning 2 well im sorry for what happend and its true people dont relly know whats going on well good luck ......
07-09-26 20:56:28
xXDruellahXx ::: Favorites
Life is a treasure, one thing that should never be waisted. Poor Conny's life was ended because of one man who thought what he did would make him feel better him happy, it was for his pleasure. This is a message for anyone else out there who ever thinks of doing what this man did to Conny: Don't ruin ones treasured life because you want what you want, and if your horney get a hooker for fucks sake, don't go attacking innocent people.
07-09-24 17:40:18
baybeejcxxx ::: Favorites
wat 1 he first or second the 2nd is concrete angel bbe
07-09-24 14:56:27
FlirtyBeeachAndProud ::: Favorites
omg a really deep movie. so short yet such a strong message tho. xox speak out if u r being abused. kisses xxx
07-09-24 06:23:37
easypoet36 ::: Favorites
wow, that was deep. Its a shame stuff like this happen to nice people i hate it i just don't know why someone would be sick enough to harm little kids like that.
07-09-23 18:50:00

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